Rand Paul, seguridad en aeropuertos
Muy acertada crítica contra la postura de Paul
The problem is that we were so terrorized that we demanded our government keep us safe at all costs. The problem is that our government was so terrorized after 9/11 that it give an enormous amount of power to our security organizations. The problem is that the security-industrial complex has gotten large and powerful -- and good at advancing their agenda -- and that we've scared our public officials into being so scared that they don't notice when security goes too far.
Y es que, muchas veces, confundimos liberalizar o privatizar con dejar la gestión de los servicios públicos obligatorios en manos privadas. Y esto no tiene por qué ser una mejora: ya sean hospitales entregados a empresas amigas, autopistas de peaje a las que hay que rescatar, o, como en este caso, empresas de seguridad.
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