martes, enero 31, 2006

Simplemente sensatos

Como era de esperar, los extranjeros residentes en el territorio anteriormente conocido como España están ojipláticos ante la pintoresca vida política nacional, o supranacional, federal asimétrica, nacional de naciones, o lo que sea.

Hace algún tiempo que vengo siguiendo a Collin Davies. Ya a principios de noviembre extracté algunos de sus comentarios:

"The ‘modernising’ socialist Spanish government is holding a conference for the presidents of all the country’s 17 regions [‘autonomous communities’]. The agenda includes the financing of the communities, amplification of the powers of their governments and [yes!] their participation in the EU. (...)But one can’t help wondering whether the lid has been taken off Pandora’s box. Will the Spanish government really have any rationale for its existence once its power has been lost to Brussels on one hand and to the regions on the other? Or will it be the first country in the world to have both a constitutional monarchy and a constitutional executive?"

Resulta de lo más entretenido leer las sorprendidas reacciones de los guiris cuando son acusados de derechistas o anticatalanistas, aunque ya se van acostrumbrando:

Peter Gooch, in fact, gets more ‘fan-mail’ (in the form of comments from John Q. Public) than the rest of us put together. About three quarters of them are favourable. The other most assuredly aren’t. His articles are certainly anti-government and anti Zapatero, but this doesn’t make them rabidly right-wing – just ‘sensible’.